Phone Number: 443-809-6700
Fax Number: 443-809-6762
2024-2025 School Progress Plan Snapshot
2024-2025 School Supplies List
Directions for Creating a BCPS Schoology Parent Account
Visitor Information
In light of recent events across the nation, Woodholme Elementary is committed to making sure our building is secure while also welcoming visitors to our school. To keep our large school safe as well as limit interruptions and distractions to teaching and learning, we must follow the procedures below:
When visiting the school, everyone must use the door entry buzzer system. We will request your name and the reason for your visit prior to gaining entry in the building. All visitors must sign in at the main office and wear a visitor badge at all times. Visitors may be required to provide a photo ID.
Classroom visits and conferences by parents and other authorized individuals are encouraged. However, classroom teachers should be contacted in advance to discuss the purpose of the visit and to establish a convenient time for both the visitor and the school.
The principal reserves the right to limit or schedule the visit in such a way to diminish or avoid disruption to the normal operation of the school.
We know that your cooperation in adhering to these procedures will maximize safety for everyone. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
We kindly ask that parents make sure that their students who pack a lunch for the day have a full, healthy lunch prepared and in the backpack each morning before they leave for the bus or car. Student lunches should not contain soda, candy or gum. Fast food or food delivery for students is not allowed due to the issues it creates in the cafeteria when other students try to ask for or take the food and the disruption it creates. If an adult has to drop off a lunch due to an emergency that morning, the lunch can be dropped off in the front office. The adult will be asked to write the student’s name and homeroom teacher on the lunch. Students will not be immediately summoned to the office to retrieve lunches dropped off to protect the learning environment. During a break in instruction or on their way to the cafeteria, students may come pick up the lunch. Office staff will do their best to make sure students get their dropped off lunches, but due to the busy office environment, mistakes and oversights can possibly happen, so thanks for making sure students have their lunch in the morning before leaving home so only emergency lunches are dropped off. Thank you for your understanding so that we keep our focus on instruction and healthy eating!

Woodholme Elementary, a community school, serves families in Pikesville, Randallstown, and Owings Mills. Our academic success reflects the involvement and support of parents, families, community organizations, and area businesses.
Our school is a place where teaching is effective and learning is exciting - where every day is a day of discovery. Like other BCPS elementary schools, Woodholme teaches students following a rigorous curriculum that addresses reading and language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, technology, library, health, physical education, art, and instrumental and vocal music.
Opened since 2005, Woodholme is truly part of the community serving the needs of our boys and girls. When you walk into Woodholme, you feel a welcoming family atmosphere.
Woodholme Elementary will strive to engage and empower students to achieve academic excellence and to become lifelong learners. Our students will develop strong character and embrace diversity and contribute to our ever-changing world.
Students, parents, staff and community members of Woodholme Elementary are committed to meeting the academic, social and emotional needs of all students in a collaborative, nurturing environment that fosters a climate of mutual respect, educational growth and safety and prepares students for college, career and world.